Survey - Woodfords Residents
Receive a $20 gift card! Please participate before Sept. 11, 2023 at 5pm.
Your input is valued and needed in order for the WCC to move forward on an important grant that will impact our community for 20 years.
Background: Woodfords has an opportunity to apply for $10 million in funding to be allocated by the State of California for the construction or retrofit of facilities to serve as a Community Resilience Center with emergency response and shelter capability. The CRC is intended to support the community during climate-related disasters and other emergencies. The 5-year grant is open to Tribal governments, academia, nonprofits, local government, and small businesses. A minimum of 5 awards will be made to California Tribes. Initially, 3 rounds of funding were planned. It has since been determined that only one round can be funded by the State. Future funding opportunities will be dependent on a future bond issue. Applicants are encouraged to apply for the September 18th deadline which will utilize funding set aside in the State’s General Fund. It is a very competitive application, with 184 California organizations applying. We believe, however, that Woodfords has a strong chance of securing funding.